Answer the questions to book an appointment :

Q. What type of therapy are you looking for?**

Q. What is your gender identity?**

Q. How old are you?**

Q. How do you identity?*

Q. What is your relationship status?*

Q. Do you consider yourself to be religious?*

Q. Which religion do you identify with? (Optional)

Q. Do you consider yourself to be spiritual?*

Q. Have you ever been in therapy before?*

Q. What led you to consider therapy today?*

Q. What are your expectations from your therapist? A Counsellor who...*

Q. Are you currently experiencing anxiety, panic attacks or have any phobias?*

Q. Are you currently taking any medication?*

Q. Are you currently experiencing any chronic pain?*

Q. How would you rate your current financial status?*

Q. Which of the following resources would be useful for you?*

Q. How do you prefer to communicate with your Counsellor?*

Q. Are there any specific preferences for your Counsellor?*

Q. Which country are you in?*

Q. What is your preferred language?*

Q. Please mark all that apply*

Q. I prefer a Counsellor with experience in... *

Q. Are there any additional areas you are interested in? We may not be able to honor all the preferences, but we will do our best!*

Q. What brings you here?*

Join the 12,027 people that started therapy with their tailored Counsellor match this week. Let your therapist know what you'd like to work on below. The more information you provide, the better you therapist will understand where to begin.